Tuesday 23 September 2014

Predictions of Professor Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya for 2014 Nobel prize in Physics, Medicine & Physiology, and in Chemistry

2014 Nobel prize will be announced  from 6th oct 2014-14 th oct 2014 i.e only 12 days left . Can you predict/assume who can be Nobel prize winner  this year? If you are interested to join the discussion you can participate here. It is not bound by Copy Right Acts of IPR of Prof Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya   - the owner of Blog.

2013 Nobel prize for Physics was Correctly  Predicted  by Professor Dr Pranab kumar Bhattacharya for Professor Peter Higgs for his hypothetical theory then How Particles in the earliest universe acquired mass in the Higgs feild, following Peter Higgs & Prof Francois Englert discovery  of Particles in CERN on 2012 which was not Exactly  the Higg's Particles but Higg's like particles and has yet mass- not a zero rest mass particles without any spin and  2012 Nobel prize in physics
 According to Professor Pranab kumar Bhattacharya in 2014 he personally have following choices and predictions who may be considered  by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for

 For Physics  Nobel Prize in 2014 prediction
1)  Prof Allan Guth-   For his inflation theory in Big Bang theory

2)  P. A. R. Ade, K.W. Yoon,C. L. Wong, and /or as a team  for  BICEP2 or Detection of B-Mode Polarization at Degree Angular Scales by BICEP2 experiment  for  first gravitational wave published in PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS  PRL 112, 241101 (2014)20 JUNE 2014

3) Multiple time Universe creation Theory- by Mr. Rupak Bhattacharya of 7/51 Purbapalli Po-Sodepur Dist 24 Parganas(North) West Bengal, India

4) Antimatter Seperation and Change Parity Time Violation(CPT) Symetry that was violated and that points beyond the Standard model
See the Prediction of Professor Pranab kumar Bhattacharya Published in www.nobelprize.org "Who Deserve a Nobelprize-these deserve a Nobel prize "

Professor .Pranab kumar Bhattacharya's Choice and Prediction is  Nano Technology

 -: Professor Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya's Prediction  for 2014 Nobel  prize   in Medicine are1)  Prof. Dennis J Salmon-Director of Clinical research Jhonson Comprehensive Cancer Center &Professor Chief, dept.of Medicine oncology University of CCalifornia, USA for Discovery of HER2Neu gene and for which adjuvant therapy with  monoclonal antibody drug  "Herceptin " was developed in treatment of  Breast Carcinoma.
2) a)  Prof Nicholas Lydon, 2009 Laskar Awarded, for development of Imatinib, a selective BCR-ABL inhibitor for Treatment of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) ;2(b) Brain J Druker -JELD-WEN chair of Leukemia Professor and Professor of  Medicine-He  was also 2009 Laskar Awarded. He first initiated ST1571 for treatment of CML and  2 (c) Charis L Sawyers of Howard Hunger Medical Institute  Professor of Human Oncology & Cytology - he was also 2009 Laskar Awarded who first initiated combination of Imatinib & Dasatinib in 2006 in treatment of CML. Imatinib was approved in 2001 & Dasatinib in 2006. In 2011 Imatinib has been approved by FDA USA to treat other various cancers
Professor Bhattacharya Nominated these fellows earlier
See Report of Laskar Foundation

 Please Note  His Prediction of 2012 Nobel prize in Medicine was Correct
 What is your opinion& prediction for 2014 Nobel prizes 13 days prior announcement of Nobel prizes- share in this Blog freely
 See the other Prediction of 2014 Nobel prize
See the Prediction of Professor Pranab kumar Bhattacharya Published in www.nobelprize.org "Who Deserve a Nobelprize-these deserve a Nobel prize 

For Literature Prize
Milan Kundera- For his book "Immortality"
 For Peace Prize
"I hope this year Oslo will award Gene Sharp for 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. Sharp is a non-violence scholar. Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian governments used his writings during their 1991 separation form the Soviet Union, and several other non-violent resistance campaigns, including Serbia's Otpor! and Ukraine's Pora!, have been inspired by Sharp's handbook 'From Dictatorship to Democracy

 The Scientist 
 1] Thomson Reuters Predicts Nobelists Using citation statistics, the firm forecasts which researchers are likely to take home science’s top honors this year. By  | September 25, 2014
2]  Thomson Reuter's Prediction
3]  In Science Magazine of American Association of Advancement of  ScienceUSA(AAAS)
4] at www.nobelprize.org
5]a) See the Predictions of Professor Pranab kumar Bhattacharya also  Published in www.nobelprize.org "Who Deserve a Nobel prize-These deserve a Nobel Prize 
b)For Peace Nobel Prize Prediction of Professor Pranab kumar Bhattacharya for Peace Nobelprize  published at www.nobelprize.org Who Deserve a Nobel Prize- These Deserve a Nobel prize

5] Prediction for Peace Nobel prize The Guardian News Paper

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