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Monday 4 September 2017

The Breakthrough Listen Initiative is undertaking a comprehensive search for radio and optical signatures from extraterrestrial civilizations.

Repeatative Radio burst called FRB was detected on 16 th august 2017 using LDBC band receiver at frequency above 6 GJZ from a red dwarf star of 3 billion light years [ ] indicate what ? Was there more intelligent life then human there in a planet of red dwarf in 3 billion years ago when in earth it was unicellular just ameboid life existed( life in RNA molecular form appeared in earth 5.4 billion years ago) or the burst was from a dwarf star or neutron star ? That started journey 3 billion years past when our observable universe started its journey in 14 billion years past.
The article has been published from the University of Berkeley USA in journal arxiv1707.06024v2 on 29 th August 2017]
we authors also told through our response of Title-""Hello! Are we alone? If you’re like me, you may want to know me"" By Prof. Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya Et al in the News paper ""The Canadian"" as only comment published of the Headline News ""Professor Stephen Hawking warns against alien contact"" Please Click on URL  [ URL] in 2007 and followed by in the thread at cosmoquest forums USA in the threads ""Detecting Alien radio/ TV Signals"Under same title Please Click on  URL […]   in 2007 and   in one book ""review"" Titled  as  ""Concepts in Space Science"" by the  author R.R. Daniel Universities Press, 2002 - Space sciences - 401 pages as ""How much possibility of Civilised Extra Terrestrial life in other Exo planets""in 2015…/Concepts_in_Space_Science.html…
If so were,  we authors were correct in publishing in our  views  in our own Blog i.e in Blogs of professor (Dr.) Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya MD ( cal.univ) pathology " Hello ! Are we alone? If you like me you may want to know me! Please Click on URL […/…] " and in other  blogs article ""How much possibility of Civilised Extra Terrestrial life in other Exo planets[…/… ]  this  article was Sent for journal  publications in followings  
I) Proceedings A. of the Royal Society London  under manuscript ID...RSPA-2010-0432 on 17-Aug-2010 and after External peer Review  the chief editor of RSPA Wrote to
Dear Professor Bhattacharya I am writing to you regarding your original Research  manuscript RSPA-2010-0432 entitled "Title-: Hello! Are we alone? If you're like me, you may want to know me!" which you submitted to the Proceedings A.
Unfortunately your manuscript does not fall within the remit of this journal, and so we are unable to consider your manuscript for publication in Proceedings A.
Thank you for considering Proceedings A for the publication of your original research. I hope the outcome of this specific submission will not discourage you from the submission of future manuscripts.
Yours sincerely Claire Birch
ii)  Next  time  the article was  sent in most famous journal ""Astro Biology"" under manuscript no AST 2015-1344 submitted on 27 th April 2015 status was under peer  review &  on 11 June 2015 Dr S.L Cady wrote to Professor Bhattacharya  in his e mail -: "" we are unable to publish yours original work.... we report  most unique results of experimental ,computational to push the field of science high forward .while yours work appeared to us very interesting but for general public ,given the depth and breadth covered in the manuscript of your research  paper it is not of sufficient rigour to warrant publications in journal  Astrobiology as reviewed and suggested by our peer reviewers and i am enclosing reviewer's with comments to authors
iii)  Next  it was sent at journal ""New Astronomy" it was rejected just on ground of technicals like language as per journals desired standard , authors affiliations,  highlight by 125 character,  citations and No's of tables cite in the text maximum 2 , and proper Copy Right Transfer by e mail to profpkb@ on 25 th April 2014 by administrative support agent( 17 - jan-11) New astronomy
4) Next  At international journal of space science Manuscripts ID no 75 date of submission 07.06.2015 status under review -- no further Response from the journal
If so ,were we authors were correct in publishing in our own blog i.e in Blogs of professor (Dr.) Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya MD ( cal.univ) pathology " Hello ! Are we alone? If you like me you may want to know me!"
Please note  it very carefully that, The Copy Right of these articles belongs only 
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